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Jan 21, 2025

As listeners of this podcast know, the Trader Joe’s mothership is located in Monrovia, CA. Monrovia is really close to one of the wildfires that’s devastated Southern California recently. We have a lot of Crew Members and customers who’ve been impacted by these fires, and we wanted to take a minute to send our best wishes to them and everyone who’s dealing with the aftermath of these events. We recorded this episode not too long ago in our other mothership, in Boston. It’s a little silly, and, we hope, fun. We could all use a little fun and silly right about now. 

Winter is jam-packed with snacking opportunities, and if updating your snack routine is on your 2025 agenda, listening to this episode of Inside Trader Joe’s should be atop your to-do list. Whether it’s a big game or a fashion-forward awards show, when people pop by, you need snacks! We sat down with some Crew Members in our other mothership in Boston to discuss their favorite “snacktivities” using Trader Joe’s products. They shared spicy hacks and savory hacks, simple hacks and slightly more involved hacks. What every snack hack has in common? Great taste and a near-100% guarantee of good times. Have a listen, then pay us a visit to pick up what you need to enjoy some snacktivities of your own.

Transcript (PDF)